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Survivors' Stories

Ms. Charmaine CHENG Wai Han
Breast Cancer Survivor
Ms. Charmaine CHENG Wai Han
“I strongly encourage members of the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF) Breast Cancer Support Centre participate in yoga and singing bowl classes as well as other wellness programmes offered by the HKBCF to enhance and maintain their body and mental wellness. 

Looking back on my journey against breast cancer in 2020, I am grateful for the challenging experience that has made me a stronger, better and more resilient person today. As a yoga and singing bowl coach, I have greatly benefited from the well-being aspects of yoga and sound bath therapy during my post-surgery and post-chemotherapy rehabilitation period. These practices have helped me gradually regain my strength, physical flexibility and mobility, as well as inner peace. 

My breast cancer journey has also guided me towards understanding one of my life purposes - to serve and contribute to the cancer patient and survivor community by sharing my own experiences and passions in yoga and singing bowl therapy and beyond. Let’s shine and cultivate an abundance mindset together!
Ms. LAM So San
Breast Cancer Survivor
Ms. LAM So San
“In May 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. I am grateful that I am now in my third year of recovery. 

My family doctor told me that recovery is not just about completing all the treatments, but a fresh start. My doctor gave me three recovery tips: support, nutrition, and exercise. From then on, I have been focusing on these three areas to help with my recovery. 

I am thankful for the patient support group of the HKBCF. Every sharing from the fellow patients, registered nurses, and clinical psychologist empowers me to face the challenges. They are my angels. 

I have learnt many dietary tips from my peers, and the postoperative upper limb exercise tips provided by the HKBCF were also helpful for my recovery from a double mastectomy. 

For me, breast cancer has taught me to love myself, slow down, and appreciate the blessings around me. Sisters, let us continue to live a wonderful life!”
Ms. Tse
Breast Cancer Survivor
Ms. Tse
“I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2023, at 78 years old, and the upcoming treatments left me in trepidation. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the HKBCF’s Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and support services! During my cancer treatment journey, I received attentive care from the HKBCF’s TCM practitioner. Through TCM consultations, herbal medicine, and acupuncture treatments, I have successfully alleviated the side effects caused by breast cancer treatment. The care and support provided by the TCM practitioner, nurses, and all service staff gave me immeasurable strength to fight against the breast cancer.” 
Ms. Niru Vishwanath
Breast Cancer Survivor
“Going through cancer can be an isolating experience. I certainly discovered my own strength and resilience.Keeping positive was the single most important weapon in my arsenal. I also found great support through the professional nurses at HKBCF especially while dealing with post-treatment lymphoedema. Breast cancer does not have to be the end; it can be the beginning of a new stronger you.”
Ms. Angela Wong
Breast Cancer Survivor
Ms. Angela Wong

“In November 2017, during an annual checkup, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to undergo a year-long treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. On the day of my diagnosis, besides my family, the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF) was the first thing that came to mind. I still remember reassuring words from the nurse of the HKBCF over the phone, which calmed my nerves.

I am grateful to the HKBCF which provided me with an opportunity to connect with other breast cancer patients before I started my treatment, making me realize I wasn't alone in this fight. The HKBCF provided me with comprehensive support, including treatment information, psychological counseling, and nutritional guidance, all filled with love and encouragement. This year marks my sixth year of recovery, and I am fortunate to have the HKBCF by my side. I have participated in various mind-body-spirit activities organized by the HKBCF, which helped me rediscover myself and regain my confidence. The HKBCF's handicraft workshops provided a fantastic platform for me to explore my interests, learn to appreciate myself, and express my feelings.

Like many urban women in Hong Kong, I faced various pressures from family and work. My life used to be about black and white documents only, but now I have a colourful life. I hope to become a volunteer and share my life experiences with fellow survivors. I encourage all sisters to love themselves more, smile more, and slow down a bit.”